Normal Sperm Count to Get Pregnant: Everything You Need to Know

You only need one healthy sperm to fertilize an egg and get pregnant. You can start with millions of sperm, but only about 200 of them will reach the egg. But it takes a lot for that healthy sperm to get to the egg and fertilize it. It takes a lot of effort for that one guy to make it to the finish line, and this is where semen comes into the picture. A man needs to ejaculate more than 39 million total sperm to get a woman pregnant.
Sperm count plays a vital role in pregnancy. In pregnancy, both the egg and the sperm need to be healthy or good. If you have a good or healthy sperm count, it helps in a healthy pregnancy and is vital for health. When you are trying to conceive a child, healthy sperm increases the chances. The higher your male partner’s sperm count, the higher the chances of you getting pregnant. The Doctors do semen analysis by measuring the volume or thickness of the semen. Also, they look for the sperm's movement and the shape. Besides, immature germ cells, debris, and leukocyte count are some of the factors to check.
What is the Normal Sperm Count to Get Pregnant?
Generally, one needs only a single sperm to get into an egg. But you should have a lot more sperm to reach the egg to fertilize. As a germ cell, the sperm carries the male's DNA, and the semen keeps it safe.
World Health Organization (Who) Standards for Normal Sperm Count
According to the WHO, a normal sperm count is 15-18 million sperm cells for every millilitre of semen. A semen sample is also considered normal if it fulfills these other criteria:
pH: The value must be more than 7.1.
Motility: The sperms must show at least 32% progressive motility.
Vigour: More than 58% of sperm must survive.
Normal Sperm Count Range: 15 Million to 200 Million Sperm Per Milliliter.
In one mL of semen, a healthy count is between 15 million and above 200 million sperms. In men, less than 39 million sperm in their ejaculation is less than normal. This sparse production states their medical condition as oligospermia. Generally, more than 200 million sperm in each mL, which is above normal or high, is a good sperm count.
Why Lower Counts May Affect Fertility Chances.
Generally, a low count of sperm lowers the chances of fertilizing your partner's egg. The medical term for low numbers of sperm in your semen is low sperm count. Thus, it makes it hard for you and your partner to conceive. A male having a low sperm count belongs to any age group. Any man with testicles can develop this situation due to spermatogenesis.
Factors Affecting Sperm Count
Male infertility is gaining ground as a common problem these days. Common reasons usually result from health or medical issues.
Lifestyle Choices: Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Use.
Lifestyle has a paramount role in the health of the sperm. Research has shown that smoking affects sperm count and poor sperm health. Heavy alcohol usage can also damage sperm production and fertility. Environmental toxins, like exposure to chemicals and heavy metals, can damage sperm production. Such factors cause oxidative stress that affects the DNA of the sperm.
Lifestyle factors affecting sperm count
Environmental Factors: Pollution, Toxins, and Radiation
Some of the hidden Environmental factors affecting sperm count are nasty. There are some issues that people avoid in their daily lives. BPA affects erectile dysfunction, sperm count, and quality. Air pollution affects breathing and heart health, as well as male fertility.
Such pollutants have adverse effects on spermatogenesis by increasing DNA fragmentation in sperm. Dust pollution causes reduced sperm concentration and damaged morphology. It is hard to avoid such pollution if one lives in an urban area.
Health Issues: Hormonal Imbalances, Infections, and Genetic Factors
Tumors, hormonal imbalances, celiac disease, and hereditary can lessen sperm count. Thus, the tubular networks that transport sperm can block passage, resulting in infertility. Varicocele is swelling of the veins within the scrotal sac and interference with the testicle drainage.
Stress and Its Impact on Sperm Production
Research studies have found that stress releases steroid hormones in men. These are glucocorticoids, especially when the men are struggling to conceive. An article in 2018 reported stress affecting sperm production with emotional suffering. There is a risk of depression, anxiety, and distress in an infertile patient. An increase in stress hormone causes a drop in testosterone, affecting sperm production.
What are the symptoms of low sperm count?
It is one of the most common problems of male infertility. The amount of sperm in the fluids or semen ejected during orgasm is not as good as it generally would be.
Difficulty Conceiving
A low sperm count refers to a condition in which there is a reduced quantity of sperm present in the semen. This situation can complicate the process of conception or getting pregnant. Also, low sperm count can occur in men regardless of their age.
Visible Symptoms or Lack
Oligospermia is a condition that causes less than fifteen million sperm per milliliter of semen. Also, Azoospermia is another condition in which no sperm is present. Less sperm decreases the chances of fertilizing one of the sperm coming from the parent of an egg. Low sperm counts do not manifest any overt symptoms.
When to Consult a Doctor
Seek medical consultation if you face any of the following indicators :
You have been attempting to conceive for a year or longer yet without success.
You experience pain, swelling, or lumps in your testicles or erectile dysfunction.
You might notice ejaculation irregularities (such as reduced volume or difficulty during ejaculation).
A physician can conduct diagnostic tests to find the precise reason for low sperm count.
How to Diagnose Sperm Count Issues
Healthcare providers can identify a low sperm count through many evaluations. These are semen analysis, genital examination, blood tests, and various imaging techniques.
Importance of Semen Analysis
The principal method to assess a reduced sperm count is a semen analysis test. This process involves scrutinizing a semen sample to find out the quantity of sperm. Semen analysis helps to reveal potential sperm abnormalities or deficiencies that prevent conception. Also, it allows the doctor to personalize treatment plans to meet individual needs.
What the test evaluates: Quantity, quality, and motility.
The semen analysis test checks sperm motility and their morphology or structural form.
The sperm present in the number of semen per unit volumn. A low sperm count (oligospermia) may specify low fertility.
Sperm Morphology:
Size, shape, and stance of the sperm. Abnormalities in sperm morphology can affect fertilization and embryo development.
Sperm Motility:
The active movements of the sperm to the extent that they swim through the female and fertilize the egg. The poor motility or quality of sperm makes that sperm unreachable to the egg. Also, hinders the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg from reaching the egg.
Semen volume:
The Semen Volume at which the ejaculation discharges the quantity of semen. Reduction in ejaculation shows a problem in sperm production or transport.
Additional Tests for Underlying Conditions
Additionally, other tests might include:
Imaging tests: Can help identify problems in the testicle or surrounding structures.
Blood tests: Can examine hormones and genetic or chromosomal abnormality screening.
Urinalysis: May diagnose sex-transmitted diseases and diabetes.
Testicular biopsy: To examine sperm production.
How to Improve Sperm Count Naturally
You can also improve your sperm count by changing some daily habits. Also, consuming healthy food can help you to promote better sexual health. Here are some natural remedies that you can follow:
Healthy Diet: Foods That Boost Sperm Health
Daily intake of healthy foods to improve sperm count is very important. Take in items high in fats, proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables in moderation, but avoid carbohydrates. Try including in the diet food such as omega-3-rich nuts and seeds. Sprouted beans and dry fruits are also helpful in that regard. ABC juice, with apple, carrot, and beetroot, can also boost sperm health.
Regular Exercise and Weight Management
Regular exercise helps in improving sperm count. It increases circulation within the body and thus makes it easy to maintain a healthy weight. Healthy circulation also helps to mitigate underweight and overweight conditions on sperm health. Include walking, jogging, and yoga in your daily schedule.
Avoiding Harmful Habits and Substances
Avoidance of harmful habit-forming substances is imperative to enhancing sperm count. Avoid smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, consuming caffeine, and using recreational drugs. Avoid subjecting the testicles to high temperatures by putting on looser clothing.
Stress Management Techniques
Stress management for the improvement of sperm count is quite essential. Do relaxation like deep breathing or meditation, and sleep well to keep the stress levels low. Do some hobbies or spend time outdoors, and manage your stress for fertility and sperm health. Also, you can get natural medicines from Gynoveda to boost your sperm count.
Medical Treatments for Low Sperm Count
Medications and Supplements
Doctors might prescribe medicines to boost the count of sperm. Hormonal stimulation for better sperm production is provided through clomiphene citrate. Human chorionic gonadotropin injections are given to men with low testosterone. They regulate hormones and encourage sperm production. Antioxidants also work as supplements to sperm health.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Art) like Ivf And Icsi
IVF and ICSI are quite modern options for fertility treatment. In IVF, the sperm and egg come together to fertilize in a laboratory in the very first step. At the same time, the ICSI puts a single sperm directly into the egg. Once developed, those embryos are transferred back to the uterus.
Surgical Options For Specific Conditions (E.G., Varicocele)
Varicocele repair is a procedure done to treat swollen veins of the testicle. The procedure involves tying off the damaged veins, which takes them away from the blood flow. It reduces the pressure and helps in improved sperm production. Such surgical procedures can improve the chances of fertility.
Can You Get Pregnant with a Low Sperm Count?
Pregnancy, even in a low sperm count, can happen. It will take time as it might involve natural conception.
Understanding The Possibilities and Challenges
For one year, have sex with your partner every 2-3 days without any form of contraception. If sperm is at a count of less than 20 million in a milliliter, chances could dip, but it doesn't rule out conception at all. A small number of healthy sperm can still make it fertilize an egg.
The Importance of Fertility Treatments
Fertility treatments help couples with very low sperm counts. The couple may wish for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). These enable the couple to try and conceive naturally. Consult a fertility specialist for methods appropriate for you.
When to Seek Professional Help
Know when to seek help when conceiving. Many couples conceive within a year, but age, health, and medical history impact this. Appropriate timing of medical intervention can increase success chances.
The Natural Attempt at Conception Timeline
Couples should try to conceive for one year before they should seek help for the age of women under 35. Women over 35 should consult a specialist after six months. It means that as much as age affects fertility, the sooner one intervenes, the better.
Conditions for Visiting the Fertility Doctor
Irregular menstrual cycles or problems state that it's time to see a doctor. Male infertility or delay after stopping contraception requires management. Conditions such as diabetes and thyroid issues may have effects on fertility. You need to diagnose, identify, and manage these conditions according to your condition.
Expectations During Fertility Consultation
The doctors specializing in fertility will take a medical history and run the tests. The bulk of tests will include blood work, ultrasounds, and semen analyses. The result will provide a treatment plan and give a greater likelihood of conception.
In conclusion, it's very important for improving male fertility to know sperm count. Early detection could lead to immediate measures toward solving the cause of infertility. It helps increase the effectiveness per treatment and then the outcome. Lifestyle changes such as healthy eating and proper exercise would improve sperm health. Be optimistic and focused on your fertility journey. Possible solutions exist with medical advice and persistent efforts. Early exploration of options and steps can result in parenthood. Also, you can consult Gynoveda for natural remedies regarding your sperm health.