Can Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) Affect Your Menstrual Cycle?

Can Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) Affect Your Menstrual Cycle?

What Is Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) ?

Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder or PCOD or medically diagnosed as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a common condition developed in women of childbearing age caused to imbalance of hormones. Due to this hormonal imbalance, the normal function of the ovaries is disturbed. During ovulation, the egg is not released by the ovaries and this causes formation of multiple cysts in the ovaries which release a hormone called 'androgen'. This hormone present in males causes Hirsutism or facial hair growth. Formation of 'poly' or multiple cysts results in delayed or irregular periods

Early Symptoms of PCOD:

  • Delayed/irregular periods 

  • Increased/scanty blood flow during periods

  • Unexplained increase in weight 

  • Excessive hair fall 

  • Acne and skin pigmentation 

  • Skin tags developed in the folds of the skin 

  • 'Hirsutism' or development of facial hair 

  • Indigestion and decreased metabolism 

  • Intense cramps and abdominal pain 

  • Painful bowel movement 

  • Abnormal white discharge

How Is PCOD & Periods Related?

PCOD affects the ovaries by blocking its natural function. The process of ovulation which occurs every month before 13-15 days before menstruation involves a release of fertilized egg by the ovary. This egg if unfertilized by a sperm results in periods.

 In PCOD, the ovaries develop multiple cysts, causing swelling in the ovaries further resulting in missed periods. Women with PCOD are recommended to consume Oral Contraceptive Pills by doctors which temporarily control the symptoms of PCOD but prolonged use of OCP's can be dangerous. 

Treatment To Cure PCOD & Regulate Period Health:

PCOD Treatment as advised by modern medicine:

  • Oral Contraceptive Pills 

  • Removal of cysts via surgery 

  • Hormone Pills

  • Period-inducing pills

The above treatments do not provide permanent relief from PCOD as it does not treat the root cause of the disorder. Only Ayurveda has a proven cure to reverse PCOD  permanently. Gynoveda's PCOD Vamaa & Myraa Ayurvedic pills formulated with 26+ medicinal herbs dissolve the multiple cysts in the ovaries and regulate period health naturally

Benefits Of Using Gynoveda Vamaa & Myraa PCOS/PCOD Pills:

  • Permanently Reverses PCOS/PCOD

  • Helps To Treat The Root Cause Of Hair fall, Weight Gain & Hirsutism (Growth In Facial Hair)

  • Improves Metabolism & Immunity 

  • Helps To Reverse Infertility & Helps In Conceiving

  • Ayurvedic Herbs Flush Out Harmful Toxins From The Body

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Watch This Video To Know More About PCOD:

What is Bilateral PCOS/PCOD? Early Signs & Causes Explained!

What is Bilateral PCOS/PCOD? Early Signs & Causes Explained!

What is Bilateral PCOS/PCOD?

Bilateral PCOS & Bilateral PCOD are the same condition that affect the ovaries in females. Ovaries in women carry out the natural function of releasing an egg every month which leads to ovulation and menstruation. The left and the right ovary release an egg every month alternatively which secrete the hormone 'androgen' in minute quantities. In Bilateral PCOS, both of these ovaries develop cysts due to the overproduction of the male hormone 'androgen' which further results in delayed/irregular periods. 

What are the Causes of Bilateral PCOS/PCOD?

  • Overproduction of the male hormone 'androgen'

  • Formation of cysts in left and right ovaries

  • Poor metabolism and digestion

  • Secretion of highly toxic 'Ama' in the blood stream that forms cysts

  • Poor lifestyle 

  • Obesity, Lack of exercise & inactivity 

  • Overconsumption of food which is difficult to digest like meat, dairy 

  • Disturbed sleep cycle 

  • Increase in stress levels 

What are the Early Signs & Symptoms of Bilateral PCOS/PCOD? 

  • Irregular/Delayed periods 

  • Intense cramps and clotting during menstruation 

  • Excessive hair fall 

  • Unexplained weight gain 

  • Hirsutism or growth in facial hair

  • Abnormal white discharge which is creamy/watery in texture and smells 

  • Itching in intimate area due to poor vaginal health

  • Severe abdominal pain

  • Painful bowel movement

  • Severe symptoms of bilateral PCOS/PCOD also include inability to conceive or infertility

What is the Recommended Treatment For Bilateral PCOS/PCOD?

Bilateral PCOS/PCOD can be treated with Ayurveda. Modern medicine fails to treat the root cause of Bilateral PCOS/PCOD. Allopathic and Homeopathic treatment only controls the symptoms of bilateral PCOS and gives quick results which is temporary in nature. Hormone pills, period-inducing pills and oral contraceptives also give a quick fix for the condition but the condition persistently reoccurs. Prolonged use of contraceptives can also lead to cancer

It is advised that ayurvedic treatment for treating bilateral PCOS/PCOD is 100% effective and treats the root cause of the condition. Due to its natural composition of medicinal herbs, ayurvedic supplements do not trigger any side effects and can be consumed with other prescribed medicines.  

 Experience Freedom From PCOS/PCOD Naturally With Gynoveda

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*Offer Valid till 30th September


Common PCOS/PCOD Concerns You Need To Watch Out For:

One of the most common mistakes women with PCOS/PCOD make is they rely on Hormonal Pills/OCPs which is usually recommended by their gynecologists to get their menstrual cycle restored. However, in doing so they're doing more harm than good. 

Switch from Hormonal Pills to Ayurvedic Pills

Join India's First Ayurvedic 3X PCOS Program!

Over 600 million women, globally silently suffer from menstrual disorders like PCOS and to help women permanently reverse their PCOS, we offer the Ayurvedic 3X PCOS/PCOD Program. Conquer your PCOS Today with Gynoveda.

I Want Freedom From PCOS!

Experiencing Abdominal Pain? It Might Be PCOS/PCOD.

Experiencing Abdominal Pain? It Might Be PCOS/PCOD.

Know all the common & uncommon symptoms of PCOS/PCOD by Gynoveda’s Most Experienced Gynaecologist, Dr. Aarati Patil.

Severe Abdominal Pain is an unusual symptom of PCOS or PCOD. It might be interesting to know that both PCOS/PCOD are the same disorder diagnosed as the same medical condition by gynaecologists.  Additional symptoms can include nausea, abdominal bloating, vomiting & painful bowel movements. 

The main causes of PCOS/PCOD are a faulty diet and lifestyle which leads to incomplete digestion of food. Early signs of PCOS/PCOD are delayed/irregular periods, increase in weight, and excessive hair fall. 

With a balanced diet, exercise and Gynoveda's added care, PCOS/PCOD can be permanently reversed. 

Watch this video and know the Ayurvedic treatment to treat the root cause of these symptoms. 

 Experience Freedom From PCOS/PCOD Today

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Understanding Vata Pitta Kapha

Understanding Vata Pitta Kapha

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that refers to the ‘science of life and longevity’. ‘Ayur’ means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge. Ayurveda, is a 5000-year-old ancient Vedic medicine system that has its roots deeply entrenched in the rich, Indian landscape. It is the only medicinal system in the world that follows preventive + curative methodology.

The base of Ayurvedic philosophy is to balance the body, mind and spirit.According to Ayurveda, each person is born with a life force that comprises the five elements or building blocks of nature: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space. We possess a unique balance of these five elements in varying degrees. This balance of elements is known as a Dosha. There are three fundamental doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and good health is considered to be a perfect state of balance between these three doshas.

  • Vata is constituted by space and air, which is the energy of movement; fire and water constitute pitta,

  • Pitta is constituted by fire & water which is the principle of digestion and metabolism;

  • Kapha is constituted by water & earth, the dosha of structure and lubrication.

Unhealthy diet, stress, repressed emotions and insufficient exercise are considered to be elements that disturb ones’ doshic balance. Hence, to maintain the balance and good health, a person has to juggle with the three doshas, and increase or decrease them, as conditions demand. In simple words, health means order and balance, whereas disease is disorder and imbalance. Everyone has all the three doshas, but one of them is usually primary, the other secondary and the third one is the least prominent.

The Three Doshas: An Overview

1. Vata: Vata is considered as the leader of the three Ayurvedic principles in the body. As the principle of mobility, Vata regulates all activity in the body, mental as well as physiological. It is responsible for breathing, blinking our eyes, beating of our heart and many more functions. When in balance, the Vata is lively and energetic. Adequate rest and relaxation is needed to keep the vata in balance. Dry skin, cough and dry hair are some problems that one may face when the vata is imbalanced.

2. Pitta: Pitta is the fire element. It is responsible for regulating the body temperature through the chemical transformation of food (governing digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition and metabolism), promoting vitality and appetite. Those dominated by the pitta dosha are strong willed, determined and tend to have leadership qualities. If the pitta is imbalanced, it can lead to anger and agitation, and may even cause burning disorders such as ulcers and inflammation. To maintain a balance,meditation, massages and inhaling cooling scents such as rose, mint and lavender can help relax the body.

3. Kapha: This dosha maintains body resistance. This dosha is responsible for nourishment & lubrication.Those dominated by kapha are said to be thoughtful, calm and steady. To maintain a balance, gentle exercises, stimulating activities and an extra intake of fluids can keep the energy flowing. Kapha is primarily responsible for anabolism, the process of building the body, growth and creation of new cells as well as cell repair.

What determines your dosha?The human body is made up of 5 elements -air, ether, earth, water and fire. A combination of these five elements determines one’s ‘prakriti’ or constitution. Ayurveda defines the combination of these five elements into three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Although each human body is composed of all the three doshas, each body has a different combination of them and this determines one’s genetically inherited physical and personality traits. Through one’s life, these constitutions may change based on physical, mental and emotional. conditions. It is important to identify one’s dosha and then create a lifestyle that suits it. This means adopting a diet and daily routine based on one’s dosha.

Ayurveda divides the different body types into seven categories. Hence, it is possible for a person to be: vata, pitta, kapha, vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, vata-kapha, or tri-dosha. However, there is no ‘best’ or ‘perfect’ body type or dosha. Each of the categories have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The following table will help you determine your Dosha:

How to Balance Your Dosha

What to Eat for Your Dosha An imbalance of doshas in the body can be checked with the help of, warm oil massages, yoga, and your diet. To balance each dosha, certain foods need to be consumed while some need to be avoided.

Balancing Kapha: One of the major reasons for kapha imbalance is excessive food consumption, and therefore, a light, low-fat diet of bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes is recommended. This can include steamed or raw vegetables, ripe fruits, grains like oats, rye, barley and millets, honey and strong spices like pepper, cardamom, cloves, mustard and turmeric

Balancing Vata: High consumption of spicy and astringent foods contributes to vata imbalance. Hence, a peace-making diet with salty, sweet and sour tastes and warm, moist and easily digestible foods is recommended. This includes vegetables like broccoli, leafy vegetables and cauliflower, wheat and rice, mild spices like cumin, ginger and cinnamon. In addition, moist foods like berries, melons, and yogurt can help counter-balance vata’s dry quality as can other hydrating cooked foods such as soups or stews. Oily foods like avocado, buttermilk, cheese, eggs, whole milk, coconut, nuts and seeds are supportive as well.

Balancing Pitta: Excessive consumption of alcohol and spicy, oily, fried, salty and fermented foods may result in pitta imbalance. Pitta balance can be restored with sweet, bitter and astringent tastes and heavy, cool foods such as sweet fruits, dairy products, curry leaves, barley, oats and mint. Avoid sour fruits, red meat, potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant.

Well, its all about having healthy balance and this will ensure your hormones are kept in check too.

Delayed/Irregular Periods Along With White Discharge? Should You Be Worried?

Delayed/Irregular Periods Along With White Discharge? Should You Be Worried?

Women often experience delayed/irregular periods mainly due to the hormonal imbalance triggered in the ovaries, a side-effect of poor metabolism and poor digestion. This hormonal imbalance, disturbs the normal function of the ovaries resulting in delayed/irregular periods. It is possible that you even might miss your periods for 2 to 4 months. 

Along with delayed/irregular periods other side effects of poor period health like abnormal white discharge which is watery/creamy/sticky in nature that causes intimate itching, growth in facial hair, scientifically known as hirsutism and unexplained weight gain and hair fall is seen. 

Watch This Video To Learn All About Irregular/Delayed Periods & White Discharge:

How To Treat Abnormal White Discharge In Irregular/Delayed Periods?

  • Abnormal white discharge is a common side effect of irregular/delayed periods

  • White discharge can be treated by treating the root cause of delayed/irregular periods

  • Few home remedies help treat white discharge

  • Intimate wash and keeping the vaginal area clean also helps to reduce itching

Try This Ayurvedic Solution To Treat Delayed/Irregular Periods & White Discharge

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