Rediscovering Hope: Divya Mamnani’s Transformational Journey to Motherhood

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About the Customer
Divya Mamnani, 28 years
Girish Mamnani, 29 years
Photographer, Own Fish Shop
Consuming Gynoveda
4 months
Medical History
Irregular periods, Egg nahi bante the, Miscarriage 2
Trying to Conceive
4 years

Divya Mamnani's Story:

Divya got married in 2021 and conceived later that year, but sadly, she miscarried after two months. She believes this was caused by cold medication prescribed during her pregnancy. After the miscarriage, her periods didn’t return for three months, leading her to consult a local doctor, who diagnosed her with PCOS. She was put on allopathic medication for six months but saw no improvement and gained weight, which led her to discontinue the treatment.

In 2022, Divya sought a second opinion. This doctor revealed that her eggs were not developing, preventing her from conceiving. She underwent two IUI procedures—the first one failed, but she conceived with the second. Unfortunately, she suffered another miscarriage at three months, with no heartbeat detected and no known cause.

In 2023, Divya came across Gynoveda through ads on Facebook and Instagram. Inspired by the success stories, she joined the Circle of Sisterhood Facebook group and ordered Gynoveda medicines, feeling hopeful. Along with the medicines, she followed the Gynovedic Diet, practiced yoga, and walked daily. She soon saw results: her periods became regular, and she began losing weight.

After three months, Divya returned to her local doctor for a check-up. To the doctor's surprise, her eggs were now developing properly, even though she hadn't mentioned she was using Gynoveda. The doctor told her she could start planning for a baby, and Divya was thrilled. As she was also dealing with irregular periods, the Gynoveda team recommended she take Tulha medicine in addition to Jeehv and Iron Folic Tablets.

After six months of Gynoveda treatment, Divya conceived and welcomed her baby girl, Kashvi, on 26th September 2024.

Divya shared, "I’ve recommended Gynoveda to so many women. I consulted two doctors, but they only gave me tablets and injections without explaining anything. I spent 1 lakh on allopathic treatments with no results. With Gynoveda, I spent just 9,000, and my dream of becoming a mother finally came true. We are beyond happy that Gynoveda fulfilled our dream for all women like me."

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12:47 PM
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