Success Story of Ankita Shukla from Greater Noida

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About the Customer
Ankita Shukla, 36 years
Software Engineer
Rituraj Shukla, 38 years
Software Engineer
Consuming Gynoveda
1 year
Medical History
PCOS Severe
Trying to Conceive
2 years

Ankita Shukla's Story:

Ankita got married in March 2015 and, by December 2018, she was diagnosed with PCOS after experiencing increasingly delayed periods. Her cycles grew irregular, sometimes with gaps of one to three months. She began allopathic treatment and underwent various tests, including an HSG in January 2019 that revealed large cysts in one of her tubes. After a laparoscopy in March 2019, her periods were regular for six months, but by 2020, they became irregular again. In December 2020, she was re-diagnosed with PCOS.

In January 2021, another HSG showed her tubes were fine, but Ankita decided to stop allopathic treatment, realizing it didn't offer a permanent solution for PCOS. One day, she shared her struggles with her office friend Bhavna, who suggested trying Gynoveda Detox tablets. Ankita, eager for a solution, decided to give it a try and ordered her first kit of Myrha and Vamha tablets in March 2021.

Ankita diligently followed the recommended diet and light exercises. By June 14, 2021, she got her first natural period, and by July 18, 2021, she had her second natural period with a lighter flow, marking a significant improvement. In January 2022, she started taking Jeehv to begin her fertility journey. Her local gynecologist confirmed she was ovulating properly, and seeing these improvements, Ankita continued with Jeehv.

On August 20, 2023, Ankita had her last period. Following the advice on the Gynoveda PCOS medicine leaflet that severe PCOS takes time to recover, she patiently waited. During a visit to her gynecologist for a UTI treatment in March 2024, she discovered she was seven months pregnant. Despite experiencing pregnancy symptoms, Ankita had been too busy and stressed due to her husband's accident to realize she was pregnant.

This news felt like a miracle to her. After trying to conceive for two years and nine years of marriage, Ankita finally conceived and delivered a healthy baby, Ritvija, in May 2024.

Ankita has since recommended Gynoveda to her sister-in-law, Pooja Sachan, who also conceived and delivered twins in 2023. Bhavna's suggestion to Ankita and Ankita's success story have inspired another successful pregnancy, showcasing the power of word of mouth and the effectiveness of Gynoveda's products.

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12:47 PM
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